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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0292c39a.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-28  |  98KB  |  623x247  |  8-bit (228 colors)
Labels: encyclical | poster | refrigerator | sequence | sky | window
OCR: THE MONEY RANKINGS: EQUITY FUNDS muhal o1810. 000 ateslfin Portiolle nabala djuste Ir nitalaalgr FUND NAME TTP grode Washingfon Mutual Investers G2 15.3 $17,229 $7,653.0 5.7 aune Nommar Growth Gr 28.9 19,659 None Westwood Equity 21.2 105 WiliamM. Blair Growth Shares Go 14. 21,347 Norre Growth 28, 10.6 16,564 Nere1 World Fende-N ewport Tigor 26.0 0.0 25.0 50 39 WPOrowth&Incomo 14 40.7 18,815 NCnE WPGTuder 45.9 20.0 20,132 256. Ncne YaTaichiBlobal H. 62.0 1.75 Zwetn Serioo-Priority 14.5 52.6 146 Zwcig Seris Stralegy 23.0 13.6 16.9 362.4 EOTY FUNOS